Impacts & Achievements
1) PaceHope Scholarship Program: The Scholarship Programs give access to higher education for students who are the needy and underprivileged. And a scholarship assistance can support students who fall in the gap between high and low income levels. By being the student recipient of a scholarship, it is hoped that the students will become philanthropic themselves and "give back" when they are financially able.
2) Post-secondary / College Scholarship Program
The Scholarships are financial aid awards designed to help students pay for an undergraduate degree. Sometimes a scholarship is a one-time check. Other scholarships are renewable and provide money for students each semester or school year. College students can continue to apply for scholarships during collegiate years. College students can be sponsored through one-on-one (direct) sponsorship. Please contact paceacademyfoundation@gmail.com for more details.
3) Missions and Outreach Programs: As preaching the Word of God being one of the main goals of Pace Academy Foundation, Inc., the organization supports various outreach programs with local organizations. We support missionary work, sports, and music ministries as well as hold Annual Missions Conferences both in and outside of Malawi.
학생당 1년 장학후원금은 $300입니다. 본 금액은 학비와 기숙사비가 포함되어
있습니다. 본 후원금은 일시불로 혹은 매달 일정금액씩 후원해주실 수 있습니다.
In Person / Through Mail Check
In the United States...
5241 Lincoln Ave., Suite C2
Cypress, CA 90630, USA
한국 후원구좌
Wire Transfer / Zelle / Venmo / PayPal
Make your gift to support the Pace Academy Foundation's fight against poverty & for a better future for students
Over the Phone with Credit Card
In the United States...
Tel. +1 714 220 9111
+1 714 220 9900
Want to get connected right away? Give us a call!
For information on how to donate via wire transfer, please email us at:
Through GMS Korea
KEB Hana Bank: 920-982396-767
Missionary Sung Hee Yoo
For SRCC Members
Designated Mission Offering for Pace Academy Foundation