사명 선언문
페이스 아카데미 파운데이션의 구체적인 사역목적은 다음과 같습니다.
예수 그리스도의 복음을 가르칩니다.
청소년들이 그리스도인으로서 모든 열방을 제자 삼는 소명을 이룰 수 있도록 양육합니다.
꿈이 없는 지역에 사는 그리스도인 학생에게 질 높은 기독교 교육을 받도록 힘씁니다.
학생들을 위해 사랑으로 목양하고 성경을 가르칠 현지 목사님들과 함께 일합니다.
기독교 학생들이 계속 기독교 교육을 받을 수 있도록 장학금을 수여 합니다.
열악한 환경 가운데 사는 학생들을 위해 안전하고 따뜻한 기독교 공동체로 초대합니다.
재단 발자취
PAF is established with the vision of spreading the love and good news of Jesus Christ through quality Christian education, mentorship, and scholarship programs.
In the midst of COVID, while following health & safety regulations, PAF continues to support and provide for our scholars. More students and more schools have been reached out to join PAF while more donors also endlessly show support for our dear scholars. As of June 2020, we are supporting 120 schools, 891 students.
PAF begins working alongside various organizations throughout Malawi to provide funding for different needs, including: feeding programs, constructing a cafeteria for underprivileged students, building churches, supporting local churches and missionaries, prison ministries, etc. PAF also begins supporting ministries outside of Malawi, including a seminary in South Africa and other non-Malawian missionaries.
Even during the pandemic and eventual re-establishment of society, our on-field team made sure to help our students with their health and education safely. We are happy to announce the construction of Pace Academy Community Center which you can learn more from on its page. We came back to Malawi in July for our long awaited 2022 summer retreat. As of August 2022, we are supporting 174 schools, 1750 students.
PAF launches its PaceHope scholarship program and begins to identify and accept applicants in Malawi for sponsorship. PAF expands its staff with a team of Malawian pastors and mentors who provide biblical mentorship and pastoral care for the students as well as oversee day-to-day operations on the field.
Post-COVID, our USA team has been able to reunite with the on-field team and our beloved students in Malawi to resume our now bi-annual retreats. The ongoing construction of Pace Academy Community Center has been doing wonderfully. Our upper members has been visiting the sites everyday to check and maintain the process while making sure all the hard workers are well-provided for as well. As of August 2023, we are supporting 189 schools, 1920 students.
PAF holds its first annual summer retreat in Malawi in collaboration with other ministries. PAF continues to expand its scholarship program to support over 500 students with the help of its growing staff and many donors.
Pace Academy Foundation continues its construction work for the community center, opening many opportunities for students and locals to work together with our PAF staff in bringing this community together. As of February 2024, we are supporting 205 schools, 2330 students.
페이스호프 장학 프로그램
말라위의 교육환경과 향후의 필요성을 전제로, 본 장학재단은 말라위 학생들이 고등학교에 진학하여 더 공부할 수 있도록 2018년 7월 장학 프로그램을 개발하여 본격적으로 실시해오고 있습니다. 앞으로 장학 프로그램을 통하여 그동안 재정적인 문제로 공부할 수 없었던 수백 명에서 수천 명의 학생이 고등학교에 진학하여 공부하고 나아가 대학 진학에 이르도록 계속 후원할 계획입니다.
Our long-term goals are to:
Develop an ongoing PaceHope Scholarship Program that will continue to gain support for future generations to come, by touching the lives of the current generation
Expand the reach of the PaceHope Scholarship Program
Expand the program beyond post-secondary education
Develop and publish Christian literature for the Christian church in and outside of Malawi
Establish a support program for teachers and educators
Develop a Christian library and resources center
Create jobs and provide employment to operate the programs

비전과 사명
본 재단의 비전은 기독교교육과 멘토링, 장학금 후원 프로그램, 현지 목회자 양성 및 후원, 학교별/지역별 성경공부반 운영,
현지 교회 후원 등을 통하여 말라위 청소년들에게
복음을 전파하고 주님의 사랑과 하나님 아버지의
마음을 전하는 것입니다.